SIGN NOW: Help Stop the Radical “Respect for Marriage Act”

The U.S. Senate is on the verge of voting and possibly passing the dangerous and deceptive “Respect for Marriage Act.”

This extreme legislation would enshrine same-sex marriage into federal law. It is a sweeping redefinition and expansion of what marriage means.

This bill is a threat to religious liberty. It is an attack on millions of religious Americans who simply want to live their lives consistent with their deeply held beliefs. It would have disastrous consequences if signed into law:

  • It could be used to strip nonprofit, faith-based organizations of their tax-exempt status if they adhere to their religious belief about marriage.
  • It would give activist groups grounds to sue religious individuals, organizations and businesses with sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage. This would affect millions of faith-based foster care providers, religious social service organizations and even religious organizations and businesses that contract with the federal government.
  • It would require the federal government to recognize any state’s definition of marriage, no matter how far-fetched. This would negatively impact federal laws and policies regarding marriage and its benefits and also endanger parental rights

First Liberty—along with more than 80 organizations—recently sent a letter urging Senate leaders to oppose it.

Now, we need YOUR support. To protect religious freedom from this brazen assault, we need you and as many Americans as possible to join us.

Time is of the essence. A vote in the Senate is happening soon. We need to hear from you RIGHT NOW. Sign the petition and join the effort to defeat this dangerous bill.

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